Saturday, September 7, 2013

Home Improvement: Simple Door Security Revisions You Can Make for Increased Security

Before you make any door security improvements to your residence theBulldog Bar Squad urges you to ask yourself these 2 simple questions:

1) Which entrances are hidden/out of view from my neighbors?

2) If I am locked out of my house, where could I get in without too much difficulty?

Based on answering those two questions, here are some basic door security improvements you can make which will:

- allow you to get in easily if you're locked out
- will still make it difficult for thieves to break in

Here's some small changes you can make-- 

* All exterior doors should be secured with a deadbolt lock that has a minimum of one throw.

*All strike plates and frames for the exterior doors should be to the home's main construction.

* All exterior doors should fit tightly against the frame and all frame should be be free from warping, cracks and other signs of wear & tear.

*Your main entrance door should have a wide angle (180 degrees) peephole or viewer.

* All sliding glass doors and windows should be secure against forcing the locks to be lifted completely out of the frame.

* High risk windows (basement, garage, ground level partially or totally secluded latched should be secure enough to impede any intrusion.

* Double hung windows should be secured with pins or extra locks to prevent prying and lifting.

* Trees and shrubs should be trimmed to allow visibility along the house perimeter.

*Timers and motion detectors should be installed to activate lights in your absence .

* Safety glass or security film should be installed on vulnerable windows.

* Motion sensor lighting should be specifically directed at all entry points and dark/blind areas.

* Exterior should always be strong enough to withstand excessive force. ( theBulldog  Bar Home Security Products are perfect for this).

Keep in mind that your goal is to make it really difficult for a crook to get in by forcing him/her spend more time attempting to gain entry and by making more noise trying to do so, which will hopefully signal someone nearby by to call 9-1-1 if they witness an attempted burglary happening on your property.

To find out more information about theBulldog Bar and how it can provide the best home security for your residence visit: TODAY.

Here's to home improvement revisions as well as better door security under your roof!
-- theBulldog Bar Squad


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