Friday, October 18, 2013

When Opportunity Knocks (for Burglars)... Be Sure to Keep 'em Out with theBulldog Bar

You must have heard those infamous stories by now... about the ability for burglars to drive up and down the streets pushing the button on a garage door opener remote control, until they find a garage door that will open and allow them to just come into and burglarize homes instantaneously.

In case you didn't know, garage door-opening technology has been around since the 2nd World War-- so now, manufacturers who are aware of the above-mentioned incidents have now turned to dip switches for their products (which allow homeowners to set up 256 different access codes).

While manufacturers assumed their new numbers system pretty much took care of random break-in problem, it actually didn't make much of a difference at all... because many neighborhood garage door openers (especially in older neighborhoods) still use the older openers with those same-easy-to-manipulate codes, which still leaves residents at high risk for residential burglary. 

For thieves, however, the scene on the home front has become even easier today. 

That's because some "sophisticated burglars" now have electronic devices called Code Grabbers, which could also be used for stealing CARS. 

While standing close to your house, all someone (holding a Code Grabber) has to do is point their device to your remote control when you open and close your garage door in order to grab the codes to your device. 

Once stored ...these professional house invaders will be able to open your garage door anytime you leave your house, to enter and steal your valuables. 

Scary thought, right?!

The two best things to do to beef up your security measures these days is to:

1) Upgrade your remote control or your whole garage door opener, and remember to unplug it when you go on a long vacation

2) Invest in a high-quality home security device that will keep burglars from kicking in your doors, breaking into your home and taking your possessions.

Products like theBulldog Bar are perfect for improving your home security measures. 

To see how theBulldog Bar works visit: .

Here's to keeping the bad guys outta your castle!
-- theBulldog Bar Squad


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