Friday, June 28, 2013

Broken-Hearted and Broken-Into... 5 Important Things to Do When Your Home is Burglarized

A residential break-in can leave you and your loved ones feeling both broken-hearted... as well as unsure of what to do next.

At The Bulldog Bar we want to make sure you take the appropriate steps necessary to stay safe, as well as prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. 

With that being said, here are 5 Things to remember when you house is broken into

1) Try not to panic. As soon as you discover someone's been inside you house, try to step out and call police or 911 as soon as possible....If necessary, you should even go to your neighbor's house until the police arrives.

2) Prevent any members of the family from going into the house. We at The Bulldog Bar recommend this mainly because the burglar(s) might be still inside your dwelling. Staying away from the scene of the alleged crime will also stop anyone from disturbing any kind of evidence.

3) Try to remain calm & collected, especially if you are the head of your household. As shocking and as stressful as this may sound, home burglary definitely rattles your nerves to the core because you feel so violated... knowing someone without your permission was inside your house. Staying strong throughout this situation, however, can definitely set the tone for how the rest of your family and loved ones react to this unfortunate situation.

4) Be sure to report everything to the police officers when they arrive. When explaining your incident to authorities, pointing out everything you think that is missing or disturbed by intruders is key to ensuring you are compensated in every way for your troubles, as well as your losses from such a crime.

5) Take pictures and videos with your cell phone immediately. These photos can serve as additional proof when filing for claims with your insurance company.

So in a nutshell... here are 5 steps we at The Bulldog Bar suggest you implement if you unfortunately fall victim to a home burglary episode at your dwelling.

We also recommend you protect your dwelling more effectively with the use of our amazing, high-quality (as well as affordable!) home security products.

For more information about how to improve your residential security visit our web site at:

Here's to fewer broken hearts, and even fewer home burglaries in your community! 
--The Bulldog Bar Squad

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