Thursday, August 22, 2013

What's Up With That? theBulldog Bar 's List of Commonly Stolen Items

If you think you are invincible when it comes to home burglary in your neighborhood...think again. This kind of crime unfortunately happens worldwide, to just about any household!

Based on a recent news report from the UK, these are the 3 most commonly stolen items by burglars during a home burglary
(statistics based on reports from 2009-2010):

#1: Purses/Wallets/Money.
46% of burglaries resulted in the theft of a homeowner's purse, wallet or cash that was easily accessible. By keeping these things out of "plain sight..." household invaders may experience a more difficult time trying to take possession of your your most valuable items!

#2: Electronics & Digital Cameras.
36% of crooks on this side of the globe have allegedly been after the possession of your high-end electronics & big ticket digital cameras. What does this mean? Hide these items in a safe location, like your secured safe box (which is mounted to your floor) or in a place where thieves are less likely to look (such as a drawer in your bathroom or pantry shelf).

#3: Computers & Other Related Technological Equipment.
29% of reported stolen items involve computers and other accessories that accompany laptops, printers, etc. Be sure to conceal your technology as much as possible by keeping these items away from windows or visible locations like sliding doors or front door entryways.

If you're interested in reinforcing your door security at home, however, one investment to consider is a product like theBulldog Bar . These devices come in a wide variety of color and designs to match your interior decor...and are extremely powerful when it comes to criminals trying to kick in your doors.

For more information about how theBulldog Bar home security products work visit our web site: .

Here's to the most commonly stolen items staying intact at your household!
-- theBulldog Bar Squad 

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