Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Don't Be Left in a Burglars!

The holiday season may be a time for celebrating with friends and family, but it is also prime time for break-ins and theft.

So why not start the holidays off right and relieve some of your stress... by making sure your home and your cars are protected with the best door security devices and tips to prevent it?!

The FBI’s statistics show approximately 400,000 burglaries occur in the United States from November to December each year. So here are some helpful tips from your friends at theBulldog Bar to prevent that crime from occurring where you reside:

1) Always leave a light on.
Everyone looks forward to a vacation over the holidays, especially thieves. Hiding the signs of a vacant home, however, will help convince potential house invaders into thinking you are actually under your own roof, even when you're not. Additionally, leaving your lights on and setting up timers for your holiday lights as well as inside lamps will give off the impression that your humble abode is occupied!
2) Put your car on lockdown.
As everyone knows, shopping goes hand-in-hand with the holiday season. As you rush from store to store, packages can accidentally be left on the backseat of your car and in plain sight for criminals. To be safe, store all your Christmas goodies in the trunk instead, and don't forget to park in a well-lit area in addition to locking your doors.
3) Protect your third floor walk up. Even security doors and building superintendants cannot deter a committed thief. This means, always be aware and sure that the locks in any building doors (like your front door, laundry room & storage areas) are always in proper working order. If you live in an apartment or condo, don't forget to make sure your balcony door is locked (because thieves won’t enter through the front door in these particular circumstances).
4) Give yourself a peace of mind.
No matter how prepared you think you can be, it seems like the bad guys can still find their way into your domain... That's why we at theBulldog Bar want you to be absolutely positive that you have adequate homeowner’s, renter’s and automobile insurance coverage to rest assured. Having the best home security devices like theBulldog Bar can also provide you with the same peace of mind when adequately installed.
5) Know what you've got.
If you ever become a victim of theft, you may already know that it will make your claim process easier if you have a complete inventory of all your missing items. With that being said, organize your personal property by room, category and/or by item list. You can also photograph items and attribute a cost and quantity to each one.

In a nutshell, here are 5 important theft prevention tips you can implement for improved protection against burglary.
For more information about our home security products or to place your order NOW visit

Here's to preventing home burglary during the holiday season!
-- theBulldog Bar Squad


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