Monday, November 18, 2013

'Tis the Season to Be Jolly... & Safe From Holiday Crime Too!

As the holidays quickly approach... 'tis the season to be jolly.

'Tis also the season, unfortunately, of increased criminal activity across the U.S.

This includes higher rates of car break-ins, acts of identity theft, pick-pocketing incidents and reports of home burglary.  

With that in mind, here are 9 easy-to-execute tips from theBulldog Bar Squad to help you feel jolly all year long and stay well-protected against the crimes which typically occur during this particular season:

1) Be aware of your surroundings at all times.
Statistically, criminals have often been known to prey on people while they are distracted (i.e. talking on their cell phones, running after their children, etc.).

2) Secure all handbags and book bags properly when you're away from your residence.Thieves like to go after belongings like these when they're left unattended in a car or in your cart while  you're busy shopping.

3) Never walk away from your valuables or bags of newly purchased presents while you're out shopping-- not even for a minute.It only takes a split second for a crook to swipe anything of yours once it's out of your sight, so keep your eyes on all your possessions at all times.
4) Carry your purse close to your body any time you're away from "your castle."
This can easily be done by placing one end of your purse in the palm of one hand, and securing the opposite end of your handbag using the bend of your elbow. Never carry a purse by the handle or the strap in any circumstance however, because it can be snatched from your arms a lot more easily).

5) Carry your wallet in the breast pocket of your jacket or in the front pockets the your pants you are wearing. This is a much safer way to hang onto your hard-earned money.-- Storing things in the back of your pants is definitely one of the easiest ways to be pick-pocketed.

6) Scan a copy of your photo ID and all the credit cards you currently own.
This could save you all the headaches & hardships that seem to arise when they are lost or stolen.

7) Travel only on well-lit streets and populated areas if possible.
For added safety upon leaving your domain, try to bring a friend close companion with you, especially at night.

8) Don’t wait until you walk up to your front door to look for your keys.
It's much safer to have them ready before getting out of your car or before approaching your main entryway.

9) Always trust your instincts.

If your intuition tells you that leaving home or entering uncharted territory (like an empty parking lot or dark alley) may not be the best idea, then go with your gut! 

You can also trust in effective home security products like theBulldog Bar to provide you with the increased protection you need to feel comfortable under your own roof, no matter what time of year it is.

For more information about theBulldog Bar door security locks or to place your order NOW visit

Here's to a jolly and crime-free season ahead!
-- theBulldog Bar Squad


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