Sunday, November 10, 2013

Temptation Island: How NOT to Tempt Burglars from Breaking Into Your Home

With the emergence of high-tech gadgets and elaborate electronics today, it's hard NOT to covet your neighbors' things...especially if you're a thief!

So here are some handy ways (according to yours truly at theBulldog Bar ) you can prevent home burglars from being tempted to break in and steal your new (and expensive) belongings:

1) DO NOT leave lawn mowers, snow blowers, barbecue grills and bicycles in visible sight. Even though your neighborhood MAY be safe, it only takes one incident to diminish your sense of safety on your own property.

2) Always lock you garden sheds, storage sheds and garages. While it may not seem likely that someone would rummage through those areas of your residence...sometimes the bad guys can get the most 'bang for their buck' with a few stolen home improvement pieces which are typically stored in those locations.

3) Try using curtains in all your windows including garages and basement windows. Natural light may always add a nice ambiance to parts of your dwelling which don't usually get a lot of TLC...but installing curtains in those rooms is an essential part of boosting your security against anyone who may have an eye on some of your valuables!

4) Never leave notes in front of your door saying “Gone Fishing" or "Out Shopping.” One of the biggest mistakes we make when we feel 'safe & sound' is trusting that everyone around us is just as harmless as we are. Avoid leaving notes on your door and simply call or send a message to those who truly need to know your whereabouts while you're away from your humble abode.

5) Get the best door security locks for your front, back & side entryways. No locks, regardless of brand or quality, can be 100% effective. That's why we recommend you back them up by using a combination of deadbolt locks and products like theBulldog Bar ... to provide you with enough protection for your main points of entry.

To find out more about how theBulldog Bar can reinforce your door security at home visit: NOW.

Here's to preventing temptation when it comes to home burglars!
-- theBulldog Bar Squad


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