Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Lockin' It Down: 10 Ways to Improve Your Door Security at Home

When it comes to having the best home security measures in place at your residence, sometimes the best thing to do is to simply go back to basics. 

So here are a few strategies from theBulldog Bar Squad that can make it a piece of cake to protect your household against thieves & attempted break-ins:

1. Make it difficult for invaders to attempt gaining access to your property, by constantly making your humble abode appear occupied from the outside. Timers on your interior lights can help do the trick.

2. Lock ALL outside doors and windows before you leave the premises or go to bed in the evenings. And when leaving your domain, even for a short time, be sure to ALWAYS lock your doors.

3. Be sure to leave the lights on when you go out. If you should leave the house for a couple of hours make it a habit to connect your lamps to automatic timers so they'll switch on and off during the evenings.

4. Always keep your garage door closed and locked, even when you're under your own roof. An open garage door is a huge temptation for criminals to scope out your valuables and potentially return at a later date.

5. Do not allow daily deliveries of mail, newspaper or flyers to build up while you are away for days at a time. Make arrangements with the post office, with a friend or a neighbor to collect all your packages & new arrivals until you're back in your neck of the woods.

6. Arrange for your lawn to be mowed, even if you have plans to go away for an extended period of time. Landscaping negligence is a huge sign of an unoccupied territory--and it can also make for ideal hiding spots when it comes to break-ins.

7. Check the locks on your doors, windows and gates regularly. Be sure to replace them when needed, because putting it off by just one day could coincidentally be the day when someone tries to access your homestead and take all your valuable belongings.

8. Avoid installing push-button knobs on front, back and side entry doors to your digs. This type of doorknobs are easily opened by intruders.

9. Secure entryways to your residence which can easily be compromised. Sliding glass doors, for example, are vulnerable... so adding special locks to the weakest openings of your house can definitely provide better security

10. Inspect the windows in all your rooms to determine whether any of them (especially in older houses) may need better locks. You can always find newer window protection items at your local hardware store.

So there you go. Ten hassle-free ways to improve your door security measures in order to enhance your protection against home burglars. 

Door security locks like theBulldog Bar can also make it easier for you to boost your safety & sleep sound at night, knowing your doors can't be kicked in and your valuables can't be stolen.

For more information about theBulldog Bar features or to place your order TODAY visit theBulldogBar.com NOW.

Here's to lockin' it down against home burglary ...no matter where in the world you reside!
-- theBulldog Bar Squad

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