Friday, November 29, 2013

Space Invasion: Preventing Criminals from Invading Your Home

Aside from burglary, one of the most frightening and potentially dangerous crimes that can occur to a family is a home invasion robbery. 

A home invasion happens when robbers force their way into an occupied apartment or hotel room to commit robbery or other crimes. This experience can be especially traumatic because it's a violation of our private space at the one place that we consider our sanctuary.

A home invasion is like the residential form of an "automobile carjacking" and unfortunately, this type of illegal activity is on the rise. Unlike carjacking, however, the police department does NOT keep track of home invasions as a separate crime. That's because most police agencies as well as the FBI record invasions as a residential burglary or robbery. 

With so little ability to track these incidents, there's not a lot that can be done to alert the public about these horrible occurrences.

For crooks, the most prepared attack is generally initiated through your front door or your garage. In other instances thieves have even been known to pretend to be a delivering a package, flowers or the victim of a car accident simply to get you to open your front door. And s
ometimes... the bad guys will just kick in your front door and confront everyone inside. 

How you can prevent a home invasion:
1) For starters, lock your doors and windows. The weakest home security you can have is merely failing to lock your doors and windows, or answering your door at the sound of a knock without hesitating to see who's on your front porch.

2) Stall. If you can delay an attempted trespasser at the point of entry, then you have a chance of deterring them, as well as time to call the police. 

3) Ramp up your door security with reliable devices. A solid-core door with deadbolt locks, reinforced striking plates and reinforcement from theBulldog Bar will stop forced entries at your front or back doors.

To start implementing better protection against home invaders, visit our web site TODAY to order our home security products : .

Here's to keeping criminals out of your personal space, and by that we mean your HOME!
-- theBulldog Bar Squad


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